Saturday, November 28, 2009


Going into the final semester at college, all of us are apprehensive about our future. Should I jump the GATE, or bell the CAT?? Or should I just settle down with a job?? These are the main questions concerning us right now. But time and again, new questions pop up.

‘2012’, the movie was an eye opener for most of us. Even though I haven’t seen the movie, I was fascinated by the possibility of the world that we know, ending one fine morning.

The following was a sms conversation that happened between a friend and me, during
midnight, when incidentally, I was googling for the fact and fiction about 2012.

Friend: “Awake?”

Me: “Yeah.. Readin abt 2012..”

Friend: “Had a stupid panic attack about dying. Had to talk to someone”

Me: “Wo.. Are you tryin to scare me?? Or did you really feel lik dying?? I was thinkin of all d things i wanted to do, if world ended in 2012..;-)”

Friend: “You believe in god right?”

Me: “Yeah.. N i believe he 'll keep me alive as long as he wants me to live.. But for now, i jst want simple wish. To be d king of d survivin humans, if somethin bad happens in 2012..;-)”

Friend: “I didnt feel like dying. I was just panicking about the stuff afterwards. What if there is nothing after?”

Me: “If there is nothin aftr, i won’t be d least worried.. Cos then, I'll be in heaven.. At least i hope to be there.. N if i'm stil aliv, I'll happy cos GOD chose me to continue the human race..”

Friend: “That is the problem. What if there is nothing like heaven and god. What if it is all a lie we tell ourselves?”

Me: “in tht case, v wont be around to think abt it.. Btw 2 things 4 u to do.. See 'I am legend' n visit d site 1st tells u wht happens if u are alone in d wrld.. n 2nd gives you facts about 2012”

Friend: “I never want to stop existing :(“

Me: “I'm repeatin d same thing here.. Even if it happens, it'll only be in d last few secs tht u get this thought of non-existence.. Til then, no prob.. After tht, no prob..”

Friend: “I dont care about 2012. The world won’t end then.”

After this, there was a ten minute break.

Me: “U still desp?? Dont be.. K.. If it happens, we get 3 more yrs.. If you want to feel better, think abt d fact that anyone can die in d next sec..
So live til u cease living..:-)”

Friend: “Me thinks it is all this studying and staying home alone tht did this to me. It will be over by tomorrow. Tomorrow is bro's Bday”

Me: “Thts great.. Wish him a happy bday from me.. Btw lik u said, maybe its d loneliness thts causin this.. We've our last sem frm next wk.. So think abt tht frm nw..”

Friend: “Life will go on for us :) . Thanks for the talk. Am back to normal i think. Gnite :)”

This is just a normal conversation happening instantaneously. Even though the words and sentences came out without much prior thought, there are a few points to be noted from here.

1) We all don’t want to die. That’s for certain. We want to live as long as we can.

2) The world’s end at 2012 has made us question the existence of heaven and hell, but mainly we wonder if there is anyone called GOD.

3) Even in the midst of all these doubts regarding our very existence, we still find time to celebrate moments like birthdays and final semesters.

Every blog must have an aim, a purpose. That’s been my motive. But I just don’t know what
I mean to do with this one. Whether it’s to point out the subtleties of human nature or my fascination about the whole concept of the world ending, I just don’t know.

Bible is said to have predicted 2000 A.D. as the end of the world. But nothing happened. You may say this gives more reason for calling the Mayan theory a hoax. But the Mayans were even more advanced than 19th century scientists. They had calculated the no of days in a year to .01% error in 3000 B.C. It was only in the early 20th century that scientists could reach that accuracy. But we have to remember that the Mayans did that sans gadgets. So, considering the fact that the Bible came out in the beginning of the 1st century, it could have erred by some 13 years. That puts the Mayan theory on the correct track.

Only a handful of Mayan books are known to the world, thanks to a Spanish priest. He ordered all books to be burned; because he didn’t want the world to follow the Mayan principle of human sacrifice. The books that have escaped, along with the engravings on the Mayan buildings, give us an idea about their calendar. It is not endless like our calendars. Mayans believed that everything in life is a cycle. Their calendar cycles are at 5125 years interval. From what has been deciphered, it is known that the Mayans believed that a great change will occur at the end of each cycle.

The pessimistic philosophers keep saying that a comet would come and hit the earth; the magnetic poles would reverse causing the earth to stop its rotation; earthquake all over the world; nuclear holocaust; anything bad could happen, according to them.

Some of my optimistic friends sat that it will be just a change in the order of the world; some even going to the extent of saying that our dear India will be at the top of the world.

These people may know or don’t know about what they are talking about. But I do know that I believe in the efficiency theory. Every system has a peak. If it tries to go beyond that, it will slowly deteriorate, and finally breakdown. There are plenty of examples around you to support that theory. Now consider the earth with all its inhabitants as a system. It is evident that we have attained the peak of being civilized a long time ago. Look around you. Murder, arson, rapes, conspiracies, death, famines, floods aplenty. Lawlessness seems to be holding good for both Mother Nature, and us humans.

To end, all of us will be waiting with bated breath for the gloomiest day of 2012, the winter solstice happening on December 21st, to know whether the world’s gonna end.


amongst the clouds said...

I am so honoured you actually remembered that convo :)).
I loved those three true and you distilled them so well :).
However about the 2012 part...there has been a bunch of fools who believe doomsday is upon them and even worse commit mass suicides.
Let the world end when it does,for all you know you could die tomorrow in a freak accident and that would be the end of the world for you. So the important thing to do,however cliched as it may sound, is to live each moment like it was your last instead of waiting and wasting your time to see if the world will end on 2012.
And my theory is that theories are meant to be broken :D

Harisankar S A said...

i hav alrdy written whtevr u said in abov comment in d blog.. :P